This is Rich's Family page
Look here for family photos and movie clips
(movie clips run in Apple Quicktime)

Elliot-17th Birthday - 10-09

Bryn and Elise pics - 7-07

Shari and Stuart pics - 7-07

Aaron's Commencement from Raleigh Charter HS - 6-06

Elliot Fishing Movie Clip 1 - 7-04

Elliot Bar Mitzvah Bima Pics - 3-06

Elliot Fishing Movie Clip 2 - 7-04

Elliot Hockey Pics - 1-06

Elliot Fishing Movie Clip 3 - 7-04

Thanksgiving Pics - 11-05

Elliot Fishing Movie Clip 4 - 7-04

Aaron's 18th Birthday Pics - 11-05

Elliot Fishing Movie Clip 5 - 7-04

Bryn & Elise Soccer Pics - 9-05

Elliot Mech. Bull Movie Clip 1 - 7-04

Lorna's 70th Birthday Pics - 1-05

Aaron's Concert Pictures-3-04

NHL Draft Pics - 6-04

Elliot Fishing Pictures - 7-04

Stolper-Kroker Wedding, Philadelphia, PA  1-04 Click Here

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