To save you time for your album selection, I've compiled the most important options and suggestions.
I prefer to use 10x10" albums, permitting viewing of your photographs without "twisting" the album. Your photographs are always mounted so you can view them properly. Also, the albums are hand-built for the number of photographs you select, so there are no extra blank pages at the end. All albums all feature "piano-hinges", so they lay flat when opened.
I ask you to view the finished photographs prior to mounting, as the mount is permanent and cannot be changed without destroying the photograph and the album page.
Here's what to do:
Place your order for your photographs. When they arrive, we'll meet so you can view/approve them and set the order for the finished album. When we meet, you can select the following:
Album Cover Design Album Color Mat Design (gold or black edge on the page, and gold or black edge around the photograph). I recommend the gold edge page with gold edging surrounding each photograph.